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Aðgerðir fyrir Tíbet undanfarna daga

Var að berast þessi póstur... frábært hvað fólk er duglegt að vekja athygli á vægast sagt hryllilegu ástandinu í Tíbet - við ætlum að vera með ljósaaðgerð fyrir utan kínverska sendiráðið 23. ágúst - meira um það fljótlega... en þetta er það sem unga fólkið hefur verið að bralla víðsvegar um heim sér í lagi í Kína til að minna heiminn á að í Tíbet drepa þeir fólk á markvissan hátt og pynta. 

The world is watching...

As China kicked off the 2008 Beijing Olympics yesterday,
Tibetans and supporters in every part of the world staged hunger
strikes, protest marches, solidarity vigils, and other direct
actions to highlight China's oppression in Tibet.

Just hours ago, five Tibet supporters held a dramatic protest in
Tiananmen Square, calling for an end to the Chinese government's
occupation of Tibet. Four of the activists, lying down and
draped in Tibetan national flags, staged a mock die-in with the
famous portrait of Chairman Mao in the background. A fifth
activist spoke about their reason for protesting there today.
They were detained by security ten minutes after the protest
began. Read more at: http://freetibet2008.org/global/tsquare/

Tiananmen “Tibet Die-in” Protest 080908 from Students for a Free Tibet on Vimeo.

Yesterday, three Tibet supporters, including SFT's Grassroots
Coordinator Kalaya'an Mendoza, protested near the entrance of
the Bird's Nest stadium, wearing Team Tibet t-shirts and holding
up Tibetan flags in the air. Within 40 seconds, security guards
tackled them to the ground. They were detained for several hours
before they were deported. Read more at:

We are also happy to inform you that Iain, Lucy, Phil and Tirian
- the four activists who were part of the banner hang action
outside the Olympic stadium - are safely home after receiving a
warm welcome from their friends, family and local Tibetans in
their respective home countries. Read more about their banner
hang action: http://freetibet2008.org/globalactions/birdsnest/

Meanwhile, Chemi Dolkar, a Tibetan-American who traveled to
Beijing to speak out for Tibetan freedom, was detained at
Beijing Airport for 15 hours and eventually deported. Chemi
arrived in her hometown Minneapolis last night, and right now
she is speaking with the media to keep the Tibetan plight in the
spotlight. Many dozens of Tibetans planning to go to Beijing to
protest against the Chinese government have been denied entry
into China. Read the press release on Chemi's deportation:

The world is watching China today as the Olympics begin, and
with the hundreds of actions taking place around the world -
from Delhi to Kathmandu, Brussels to London, New York to San
Francisco, Hong Kong to Toronto, and many more - the voices of
the Tibetan people will be heard loud and clear despite the
attempts of the Chinese authorities to silence them.

Continue to check out www.freetibet2008.org for further updates
on the global uprising for Tibet and to find out how you can
join actions in areas near you.

To support SFT's continued efforts for Tibetan freedom, please
make a donation today: http://studentsforafreetibet.org/donate .

Tibet will be free,
Choeying,Tenchoe,Shibayan and the Entire SFT India crew

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Svo ekki sé meira sagt þá er ég glöð að sjá að það er til fólk í heiminum sem styður mannréttindindi af öllu hjarta. Komin tími til að augu fólks opnist fyrir því hvað er að gerast í Tíbet og hrillingnum sem heimurinn hefur látið viðgangast þar hingað til. Vona að fólk taki sig nú loksins til og afli sér uppýsinga um ástandið.

Harpa Rut Harðardóttir (IP-tala skráð) 10.8.2008 kl. 20:36

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